Customer Feedback and Testimonials

  • Just a quick note to confirm that the two Environmental Chambers purchased on short delivery are in final commissioning and working well. I would like to thank yourselves and the wider TAS team for turning this order around so quickly, these were critical to a volume expansion project and with your help, we are well on the way to achieving our objectives. MC

  • We've been using an LTCL600 unit since 2014. It looks as good and works as well today as the day we bought it. It's in weekly use and has never let us down; it's a reliable part of our production team. TAS build solid, easy to use equipment you can depend on. We know this because we do too. SA

  • Thank you and everybody at TAS for all your help and assistance over the year, it has made our lives much easier. MH

  • TAS has never let us down and has provided exceptional service and I would like to share our experience with others. PP

  • …I would just like to add that C and TAS have provided an excellent service and product for the above project…RW

  • Many thanks for your help on this it has been excellent and very worthwhile for us. MR

  • I am very very impressed with the Test Chamber, it is working great! SG

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